Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's Getting Closer

Hello Ladies! Just a few updates/changes. I've e-mailed Muffy all of the info for the invitations and Jamie should be getting the list to her this week. I've spoken to Hannah and she has ordered 8 inch plates, 10 in plates, beverage napkins, and lunch napkins in the Option 1 put on the blog. I've also received an e-mail from Meg about being in charge of the cake. So that's three big things delegated. I've spoken to Katie about tablecloths and I believe that she will be taking care of those for us. I will check with her again this afternoon. Oh and by the way, I went ahead and reserved the room from 12:30-5 just for my sake. That is not for everyone to be there. I just figured the more time that I had to get things taken care of there before the shower without all the running around, the better. Also to be able to set up the tables. They have about 8 big round tables and I think she said 64 chairs. I was thinking that maybe we could set it up a little different than normal and maybe set up all the tables for everyone to sit at and eat, and then maybe bring in a few rectangle tables for the food for a good flow on both sides. Just an idea!
Noah and I went with Jamie yesterday to get her registered FINALLY! We made it to the Childrens Shoppe and Target, but her feet were just too dang big and tired to hit up Wal-Mart, so Noah and I are counting on her to take care of that soon. We need to decide if everyone wanted to go in on a hostess gift, or if everyone wanted to just get their own gifts for baby Alli. She mentioned the travel system that she registered for at Target, so that would be a great option for us. Be thinking about that! Also, I chatted with her about some of the foods that she did want or should I say CRAVE......
  • Chicken Ball (with crackers)
  • Queso and chips
  • Spinach Dip (with crackers)
  • Fruit and dip
  • Punch (feel free to suggest a good punch)

Rachel volunteered to make cookies in the different shapes. I also thought that the tortilla rollups with ham and cream cheese would be good. I want everyone that wants to do something or help to be included, so please feel free to volunteer for a food, or decoration, or fun shower idea for Jay. Don't let me leave anyone out.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year's!


    Hannah Lee said...

    Hey! I have got a fabulous punch recipe! If you want, I will take care of that.

    Unknown said...

    Let me be in charge of the fruit tray!

    katiestevens said...

    I'll make/bring whatever you need. What's the date again?

    Unknown said...

    Jana! I changed my schedule so the weekend of jan 24th is perfect!

    Unknown said...

    I am asking mom about the table cloths tonight!